I should say peepli live is One of the best ever made film in india and it is also one of the "best" ever made satire Film in india After seeing this film if even a single Journalist or Indian Tv channel doesnt change their attitude covering a sensational news then I must say I born in a country where there is no humanity
You can see the brilliance of director/writer in climax showing a camera moves from the village to city. its nothing but a symbliosim of People from village leave their lands, home and family and migrate to city for the sake of survival. In a single lenghthy shot You can see Development OF indian cities by raising of N number of multi storage buildings, cars, bikes and the hoarding talks about "Luxury" etc., Finally natha was working under the construction of new building and his stone face with no expressions left but a dust which indicates he lost everything under the dust of politics and selfish stupid Indian media
And the film ends with the title card saying "80 million farmers changed left the farming and went for another profession" In future the count will rise more
Verdict: A must watch film
PS: This film already got selected for India's official oscar entry And I thing there is a more chance that this film might win an oscar in the Best foreign film category In case if this film wins then the optimist Patriotic would say "Its best film so it won and it deserves..Jai Ho..Proud to be Indian..Jai hind" And pessimists patriotic morons would say "it shown India in a bad light so it won" And fanatics of Multi national Coco cola coolie amir khan fanatics would say "Amir khan rocks" instead of praising Anusha Rizvi the director of this film And all this will be shown in Indian medias 100 times with BGM of Jai Ho But in the end every one will forget the Core theme of the film and the farmers :(
And I would say "Fuck all" Watch the film you will be ashamed of being Indian, search the human in you and ask "why should we are all to be proud for being an Indian"? where there is no Humanity with us and there is no development in villages from the time of pather panchali to Peepli live :( "what the fuck I am going to do?" thats a question I am asking myself
Signature: Hats off Anusha Rizvi I am waiting for your next film
1 comment:
Machi i have to watch this yet will watch and comment about the movie
i loved the PS part :)
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