I don't know how to explain it by forgetting what I have learned from biology in my school days.
"Love is nothing more than an attraction that stimulates the sexual hormones between XX -- XY"
(well nowadays it is even between XX-XX and XY--XY hah..)
So love is just a lust. it's just a polished name that homo sapiens given for our sexual attraction to others
well it sounds hard and heart pinching as a fan of romantic films, literatures and poems based on so-called "divine true love" but the truth is the above statement in between the inverted comma's proves that we all are fools...who just live, fight, cry and die for love nothing but a lust, a hormonal secretion and stimulation in our body it leads us to do sex and encourage produce the offspring.
Famous poet vairamuthu says, "kadal konjam, kamam thokkal-unmai sonnal manippaya?" in a tamil song but science says Kadal itself nothing but a "kamam"
So if u ask me Is it right to think every relation on Psychoanalysis????
Yeah.. I often ask this question to myself and say "if we measure all the relation based on science then you wont be able to enjoy the fantasy part in it"
How can we able to enjoy Shakspere's Romeo juliet play or Kamal's ek duje ke liye movie or our own ancient sangam tamil literature "kurunthogai" which has 401 wonderful love poems if we think love is just a lust all the time. No we can't. I agree.. But we must also know the term love might be useful to write and read great poems or watch and make great movies/plays. it wont be good when you hear some one close to you were killed by themselves for the so called love without understanding what it really is..
Here I will post one of my writing which I have written some time before in my diary when I tried to put myself in Psychoanalysis through expressing my feeling of love failure in words.
மார்கழி மாசத்து நாய் ஜோடிய கூட கல்லால் அடிச்சதுல்ல..ஆனாலும் முதல் காதல் புட்டுகிச்சு, போனா போகட்டும் போடா life'ல வந்த மொதல் டாவுதானடா'னு போனாலும்...வழியில அவ பேர் போட்ட கடை போர்டு பார்த்தா மனம் பாடு படுது..
என்ன செய்ய? அவ பேர் வர பாட்ட கேட்டா நான் பட்ட பாடு நியாபகம் வருது
கேலண்டரா பாக்காமலே பல நாட்கள் கழிஞ்சுபோது.. ஆனா அவ பொறந்த நாள்க்கு ”correct"ஆ calendar தேதி, என் கண் முன்னே கிழியுது. என்னத்த சொல்ல? எல்லாமே XX-XYனு மூலைக்கு தெரிஞ்சாலும் பிஸ்க்கோத்து என் தொம்மாதுண்டு மனசுக்கு தெரியல...
மனசுனு ஒன்னும் இல்ல எல்லாமே நியாபகம் தான்...நியாபகம்னா?
its nothing but the data which stored in our cerebral cortex of the brain. So it's just a collection of memories nothing more than that..!!! High points and low points of our experience to various things in life.
Love is fantasy; Lust is real..So Dont die for it and prove urself a fool to the world..
I dedicate this article to all the martyr morons who died for a girl on the name of LOVE.
super machi.....:)))
As Sujtha told
"Love is nothing but nature way of assuring a pregnancy"...
"Marriage is social permission to have sex"...
Ella unmaa thann..Bt i still love her like anything... :(
gud machi...feels hard...
super machi....
i accept ur points..nowadays true love is only in movies or books...yellam maaya
I can't deny ur words. Love is hormonal attraction.every living being attracts somehow whether it is male or a female.but,
THERE ARE MANY who live for a girl (ur advice is just for those who die.happy abt that) just because they r attracted by their character. Few people take care of their mentally retarded lover or lady love with no importance to sex.Yes, they control their sex appeal.but just because it is very natural nowadays to switch love,this quality between those extra-ordinary people that proves to be an exception to the theories,cannot be ruled out or called fools..
further,love towards ur son falls under which category?
IN YOUR OPINION, there is no love. but with no reasons for presence, our brain insists on valuing a person's character (i.e., love) with no considerations to sex or hormones. this is also an exception to the theories.
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