I was born in vellore in tamil nadu in India. So by default I became an Indian by birth just bcoz i was born in the place which is happened to be India So I became an Indian. I did not choose an Indian mother or an Indian father, nor the place or time of my birth. So i couldn't blame myself for being here or being a common hypocrite Indian.
So its only my parents determine my racial and national identity but I can't blame them either because they didn't get any option to choose their own identity too.
Like every Indian, i was very proud to be an Indian for many reasons, to be precise for the "preached reasons" what was preached? well My parents, My teachers, My elders, Our media, movies preached me...
1)India got Independence by non voilence; gandhi is the father of nation
2)Unity in Diversity
3)India is the Secular Country
4)Jai Jawan, Jai kissan
5)India is the biggest democratic country in the world
6)Jana gana mana
7)"thaiyin mani kodi paarir athai thazhnthu paninthu..pugaznthida vaareer" and so on
Well, each one deserves separate article but for time being I start with 2)Unity and Diversity now. And i will continue this post with the topic 1), 3), 4),5),6),7) later.
Unity in Diversity:
Over 856 languages, more than 25 states with diff culture and diff religion India Stands as a single nation for only one reason ie: "mutual benefitance" then what is nationalisim? Here i would like to quote the lines of famous turkish human rights activists Mr.sanar yurdatapan's lines
"Chauvinisim is the unsavory product of nationalisim, (that means nationalisim is nothing but a chauvinisim), Even if nationalisim starts out innocently and justifiably as a people's search for identity, in the long run it always ends with "We are the greatest"how true?
Here comes the problem "We are the greatest" thought creates the ideology of "You People sucks, we people rocks" So it proves Chauvinisim=regionalisim=nationalisim
Example 1+ :-
During the recent IPL match between the teams RCB(royal challengers bangalore) and

Sports should develop the quality of sportsmanship in people's mind but here all we see is "hatterdness" Atleast when cricket was a single national's game (International Indian cricket team) whole nation was together, forget their differences and indulged in blind fanatisiicm through worshipping cricket heros on the name of "nationalisim" by building temples and showing "arathanas" for the posters of PEPSI pesticide players and insecticide coke cricketers.
(Calling Cricket as gentlemans game is stupid In my opinion cricket is no more a gentleman's game when people like sreeshanth, harbajan singh were playing in it and some of the cricketers give racist comments about opponents)
Example 2+ :-
Most of the Keralites are teasing and calling Tamil people as "Pandis" (from Vegetable wala to police wala)
I come to know from my friends even educated kerala students studying in the colleges also celebrating a seperate day called "pandi day" to tease tamil movie, their dressing, appearance and their culture. Kerala state has a literacy rate of 91 percent, the highest in India But what is the use? when educated youths act as morons and racists
(To watch more crap videos like this search in google and youtube)
Is only a kerala youths and educated students are acts like morons? No even Some tamizh nadu students studying Indian law was acted as morons recently” the Law makers should not be the Law breakers” But people who are going to safe guard our Indian law in future are acted as rowdies for supporting their own caste's pride.

Today youngsters in India are divided into 2 main categories
a)Intellectuals: They care damn about people but they care all abt getting into IIT, IIM and selected in Campus, earning Money in lakhs and a job in multi national company settling in abroad ...tata bye bye see you mummy India.
b)Fools: They care about stars,players and their personal lives, worshipping cricket stars-builting temples, demolishing mosque, throwing stones in church, converting hindhus into some other religion believing on miracle, to put it al in single line "they are living, fighting, killing and dying for caste, religion, race, fanaticism, language etc.,"
Well India is democratic country so i am talking about majority here...So we care damn abt minority people votes as well as minority So the intellectuals who care about India and people stay away from saying "I am not like you mentioned above"
Examples ....+n(infinitive) :
Every time when Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal announce its verdict, problem arise. In karnataka few years before some of the Kannada extremists attacked tamil nadu bus conductor and broke the Tamil nadu government road transport's bus glasses infront of karnataka police and colleges, schools were announced unofficial holidays Apart from this Free india's free media in question now. Yes they have banned tamil channels in Karnataka and kannada channels in tamil nadu But even at the time of kargil war i have seen pakistan channels were telecasted in india without any interruption.
In north, many peoples are teasing southies as madrasie and stupidity not only with people of north and also with the channels like "V" they are teasing keralites to the core on the name of "lolla kuttie" show
Raj thakrey's speech against the supposed dominance of migrants from North Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in Maharashtra and he openly states that he would be compelled to make them leave the metropolis and the state.
In between State Vs state, language Vs language, caste vs caste, religion Vs religion fights we enjoy watching match India Vs Pakistan on the name of nationalism, Also commenting australia a racist country...
So nationalism and regionalism creates only chauvinism directly or indirectly by knowingly or unknowingly...whats there to pride about our nation or any nation then?
Like these, There is hell lot of examples to show whats our fake "unity" is?
Real "unity in diversity" will starts emerge only when people to think about humanity leaving nationality, regionality and other differences aside.
to be continued...with Jai jawan jai kissan topic soon
Marana Mass da...
Nachu points....
Eye opener....
Awesome dude! Over the peak! A slap on the face of racist... I guess this article should be publicized...
Write more pal...
good one!:)
unity in diversity,nationalism,patriotism etc are fake!!
regionalism is the fact!!!
Most of them are valid points.
Its evident that even Atheists - who says 'there is no god' - are also saying 'Im proud to be an Indian'
Fundamentalism is same as patriotism.
If u think some religious org are who says im a hindu,christian,muslim are wrong; then who are all saying Tamilian, keralite, indian are also wrong!
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