We all have the questions on ourselves abt the creation...Who created this universe? How it was first formed? when it was formed? why? wht is the purpose? etc.,
After Reading heaven lot of books and facing "hell" lot of experience in life I come to the temporary conclusion (yeah its temporary bcoz nothing is permanent whn it comes to theory)
K lets come to the point
who created this universe? when? why?
According to the Law of conservation of energy "Energy neither be created nor be destroyed and It converts one form into another"
After all an energy can be neither created nor be destroyed it only changes one form into another even universe can fit into this LAW
So universe has no starting point...it has always existed and it will survive even in future(well there is no past/present/future for it in simple there is no humanly time for it)
What about creator? God then...
I dont see GOD in particular thing away frm nature.. I see Nature(means all including water, u, me, soil, rocks, plants, animals everything deep into atom) as a GOD(i dont worship it bcoz i am part of it too :P)
I dont believe there is one single particular substance or person tht will affects or helps my life neither ur life...so its all t result of collections of all(Nature) diff things together tht affects or helps u/me in diff way either directly or indirectly....
Let me gave an example:-
If X was born in a Slum for a Drunkard father who beats his child every day and slut mother who fucks neighbor in front of her child..and there is no one to show kindness for him then the chances of the person X to became "Mad person" or "Bad person" is more...(his environment...like slum, his father, his mother, society influenced him more and they r all part of nature... they made him to behave or grow like this either directly or indirectly So GOD(nature) did this to him and u can call it as FATE(probability of diff things/happenings) around him..
Another example:-
If the person Y born in Hiroshima-Japan on earlier 1940's and though he wasn't aware of the World war II or the politics behind it or the intellectual person Einstein's definition of E = mc2 that the equation suggests that tiny amounts of mass could be converted into huge amounts of energy and presaged the development of nuclear power or the people who initiated the attack on pearl harbor But whn an America thrown a NUCLEAR BOMB on hiroshima.. he simply dies with out knowing any reason
The Number of reason for his(Y) death and the nature which involved in this particular incident is Infinity... Japan empire,einstein, america(President Harry S. Truman/army people who are involved in this attack, the people who involved in a pearl harbor attack, little boy, wright brothers(they invented the aero plane if they didnt americans couldnt have dropped frm little boy may be), Issac newton who discovered gravity, madam cuire who a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, and nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts+countless number of living and non living things which are involved in this particular single killing...though 2 lakhs's people died in this incident i have just pointed out how a single man's survival is related to one another either directly or indirectly by nature
you may say it as chaos, butter fly effect, fate, destiny, god anything...But in simple terms every single thing in the universe comes under the term "Nature"
we r all part of it(nature)..we r responsible for wht happens around you and likewise the things which is around u r t responsible for wht's happening for u and we r linked to one another...
So God is us.."together we create our own fate by every small things which we do knowingly or unknowingly"
I believe in GOD(nature)..i am not atheist :D
nee naan anaithum sivam....!!!
PS: ithuku meyla ennala yosikka mudiyula... some may disagree...for them i should put my signature...this is purely IMO (in my opinion)
yaar yaar sivam? nee naan Sivam..!!! anaithum sivam
wonderful nachu article...but one thing...
u have wrong perception about atheism da....atheism nu illave illa...
as kamal told atheism is just a tag given by theist for not accepting their blind belief.
if u reject supernatural/omnipresent power which they say it can alter ur course of life, punish ur mistakes, grand boons...then the believer's will tag u as ATHEIST...so you are ATHEIST
ok now-a-days atrocity because of non-existence supernatural power has raised beyond the tolerance level through religion and so we can call ourselves ATHEIST for just a sake of forming a opposite force for this stupidity....we are minority man we need a group to make opposite force...
ATHEISM is just rejection of supernatural power.... that's it...nothing more nothing less....
Yeah there may be no atheism But wht i meant as "atheism" is the so called "atheism" tag given for us by the theist people da :D
And i agree we can call ourselves as atheist simply bcoz to show our stand against the stupidity of some theist followers in the world But I dont want to tag myself either theist or atheist
So only i mentioned tht i am not atheist i would hav mentioned nor theist too :P
//Yeah there may be no atheism But wht i meant as "atheism" is the so called "atheism" tag given for us by the theist people da :D
And i agree we can call ourselves as atheist simply bcoz to show our stand against the stupidity of some theist followers in the world But I dont want to tag myself either theist or atheist
So only i mentioned tht i am not atheist i would hav mentioned nor theist too :P/////
ur stance also good...kadavule illa apram ena theist atheist nutu...:D...adhan en pointum...
theism and atheism will diffuse on same day...:)
Also some people will be very genuine to whom GOD is just a psychological support but not a decision maker. My girl friend is like that, she never make decision by GOD factor and also her morals are not derived from religion.
We need to evolve and go to next step where "acceptance" will replace "GOD" for above case.
Nice to c u my confused friend... (jus kidding) I dunno how i landed in u r blog... hmmm ... ya, was googling abt kamal ... n came here ... n i didnt expect this here....
God... is definitely created by Man... But its a tool to know certain realities... Lets c where it takes us...
kadavule illa apram ena theist atheist nutu...:D...adhan en pointum...
theism and atheism will diffuse on same day...:)///
+infinity :)
Good one Santhosh, very apt to the point... Its short and precise.... Any atheist would love to read it and spread it :) .... All the best to write more articles pal
A pretty simple article, but makes sense.
I would like to add a bit of science to your first Sub-topic.
I believe in the Pulsating theory, where all the energy in the Universe is collected as a Point, and when it explodes we have the Big-bang(Big bang as a theory by itself fails, but holds good, in accordance with the Pulsating Theory), and now as such we are half way through this cycle. Once again, this energy that is spread through the Universe will merge to form the Point and this repeats Periodically. So the theory of creation of universe is by itself is absurd, as the Universe was always there, is there, and will always be there. As you said, the Law of Conservation of Energy holds good here.
And on the next topics you've touched, a person is made by his experiences, but the person's life is made by other things combined together. True.
God???? Well, if perfection is God, then we can attribute a lot of things as God. Love is one of those.
And soul, life after death????
A person goes to ground after his death. That is all with it.
And yes. Chaos holds good. But people term it as fate, which is pretty lobsided. In chaos you can influence yourself, where as in fate you cannot, and I don't really believe in fate.
//I believe in GOD(nature)..i am not atheist :D//
Yeah you are neither a theist nor atheist.You are simply Agnostic.
And atheism is not just rejection of superstition.Its simply "THERE IS NO GOD".
you are again making the same mistake what theists do by saying nature is god.Nature is nature why do you want to call it god.Because if u say there is no god and the same time u say nature is god,then unintentionally u r saying that there is no nature.:D
Yeah you are neither a theist nor atheist.You are simply Agnostic.///
Agnostic is those who dont have any stand againt existance of creator. I clearly said my rejection of "creator"(super power)
And atheism is not just rejection of superstition.Its simply "THERE IS NO GOD"///
atheism is the term not created by the so called atheist now shouting "NO GOD" "NO GOD" its a term given by theist. So i am trying to make them redefine it.
you are again making the same mistake what theists do by saying nature is god.Nature is nature why do you want to call it god.Because if u say there is no god and the same time u say nature is god,then unintentionally u r saying that there is no nature.:D///
nature includes me, u and everything. As i said clearly we all are responsible for all the course of actions in the world/universe..
"No single factor or person will be responsible for any single actions" But According to theists "god is responsible for all the actions" So i termed we are the "GOD". and Tht we includes everything in the universe, i am not going to worship myself or u or any other..its just a term..to make theist understand clearly
Whn u r part of it then y u r searching outside and worshping it?
Nice read. I read the comments.I am willing to comment on few things. Don't consider this as an argument or a contradictory views..I AM JUST COMMENTING ON UR OPINON and YOU MAY COMMENT ON MINE...
Pulsating theory is an assumption.We r in the expanding phase.We don't know whether universe will contract.The gravitational effect that should lead to contraction may not happen.
Early stage religion is twisted.According to Hinduism,God is something that has no form (he s not human or oli and he is nothing),sense,sound,light etc.Reaching a god is nothing but looking back at ourselves (the same way u say, u r god). Realization of self takes us to the realization of god that is nothing. Nothing means,something that has no visible form or can't be seen as a thing (living or non-living). It also mean that it is not a "source (source can only be a thing)". This clearly shows that, GOD is not against evolution.universe should have been originated of itself. Early stage of Religion accepts Evolution. There is a line in upanishads which says,
He who realized his self reaches the highest position OF VISHNU. Here this 'OF' is not a preposition pertaining to vishnu himself. It pertains to that nothing which is within himself. He was a self-realized person who was GOD himself. That's all..
To be more clear, U r temporarily right by saying, I AM GOD..so I WON'T WORSHIP ME. But permanence tells something else.
The 'I' referred in Religion is not merely I. Human physiological functioning alone contributed to 'I' is not true. A man dies and he is dead is also not true. The self who stays within a body is not just driven by breath.If so, then a heart lung machine, a driver of brain should do..but only the body will operate like a machine. I will be having emotions and senses since brain is working..but if u try meditation, an undisturbed state is reached (u il be conscious but nothing wil disturb ur mind)..Why should I control my senses is some people's quest. Actually religion asks just to seek for realization. The controlling of senses happen of itself (undisturbed state). u will love. u will cry..but ur mind will be at peace. That will be real happiness. Like a state of undisturbed sleep. HE WHO ATTAINS THAT is the one who REALIZES HIS SELF and he is 'I' as referred to religion. Once u have realized that self, U WILL AUTOMATICALLY WORSHIP UR'SELF'..
That worship of ur self is GOD..
NOTE:Religious superstitions are there and it is disastrous.I do accept that and I go against that too.after all "Brahman" is like a place that has nothing and that is the source of universe acc to religion (I mean,evolution is neither created nor destroyed). But "brahman" is twisted as "bramman (creator acc to mythology)" and he is assumed as source. Such wrong twists contributed to the misunderstanding of religion.It's because of people's level of perception and early stage of religion took the blame :)..
comments are welcomed..
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