The child asks his father
Where did I come from? Father
The father gives the famous reply;-
The bird brought you, my child
Then the child goes to his grandfather:-
Grandpa, wher did my father come from?
Grandpa turns purple and stammers;
Er, your father came out of an egg (or in a typical tamil thatha might say "unga appana naan thavutuku vanguneyn da kanna")
The child asks again;well where did you come from?
The grandpa's new story is that:
They found me in front of the temple door
The child runs off to his friend and says:
It's amazing! the last three genrations, there has not been a single normal birth in our family!
Wht to do? He is a WWW dot com child what else we can expect? Elders can mumble and try to cover up all the truth like the way our politicians perform infront of public but in the end this colourful black box(Tv) lightens up everything- A to Z tht also includes sex.
While after watching Titanic in a star movies its obvious they want to know wht jack and rose both r doing inside the car "we cant say they are practicing jack and jill went up the hill rhymes here" even if u say they might ask you why then car is shaking so much? huh huf..
Today the parents has to prepare themselves before answering to their children's questions & they need to know and learn everything in a short period of time wht we learned in our whole life. In Many Western Countries, Parents are breaking up their heads and googling plenty of hours to find the way to answer a very simple question of their childrens.
What they expect is a accurate and straight answers not an approximate and indirect one. It is not possible or sensible to stop them from asking questions? its nature to urge and find wht is there inside the girls skirt after all we are homo sapiens descended from a monkey ancestor so before our child's monkey mind trying to revail something own and hard its our job and duty to guide them in a correct way and answering properly about sex and sex related questions
Especially parents as to teach or guide their childrens about the dangerous of pre marital Un-Protectional sex and also help needed from government side to make a policy of value-free sex education is need in schools and colleges.
Otherwise your child may become father at the age of 13 :P
"Wht the heck????" Yes...!!!
In england Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten becomes a father at 13 after one night of unprotected sex with 15 year old girl named Chantelle Thompson.
"Is this a guiness record?? "
No never there is another greatt youngest known Father from the Great Britan is Sean Stewart. He became a dad at 12 when the girl next door, 15-year-old Emma Webster, gave birth in Sharnbrook, Bedford, in 1998.
So any of the parent readers who is reading this article wants their son or a to come in guiness world record Book in this particular genre they should try for 11 atleast u know. and for that you should give a bird and egg answer for Where did i come from? kinda questions not an correct one.
Best Of Luck...!!!
Author :- Santhosh
To know more about alfie patten and chantelle news : -
To know more about alfie patten and chantelle news : -
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